Monday, January 26, 2009


(Clockwise from top left: R-J-R-CH-SQ-A)

Sorry guys, I just have to put up your spastic faces taken by J up here to share with everyone. I'm sure you're gonna laugh at it as much as I did. Hah!

Anyway, this week marks the third week since school resumed. I was relieved that we had the four days break due to the chinese new year festive. I was contemplating on going out on one of the days but I eventually brushed off the idea since I've plenty of school work to deal with. Besides, there's few meet ups all lined up for the week after and I rather get my work done by this week at least. So, the four day break that should be spent wisely on work was, well, failed. Cause silly me just had to procrastinate a whole lot and spent the time (wisely indeed) on the much needed sleep. Now I'm back at square one. Hahha.

Moving on, I was just browsing through my old photo albums. From kindergarten to primary school, to life in Fajar, and till now. I swear I almost had a fit laughing at each photo as I vividly recalled the memories that was triggered. One disastrous or pretty much embarrassing event to another. Hahha. And I realised, I miss them all. The moments in the past. The many friends I had lost touched with, and also those growing apart and still do now even as I type all these down. It's a bit sad though, but that's the fact of life I guess. It's not that my current life sucks now, albeit life in J2 sucks. School rocks with the good company yo! It's just that it's different. It's all different than the last time.

I can see the major changes that took place, the different phases in my life. Like, literally see. And I'm sure as hell that there's bound to be more changes up ahead. Especially so in the unprecedented future. I have to admit, it's kind of scary. Scary in a good way eh. But ironically, I'm anticipating it. For whatever there is to come.

Alright, enough of my gibberish. Enjoy the rest of the four day break people. And I shall attempt(hardy har har) my undone/untouched assignments. Happy Chinese New Year to the chinese folks!

I need more than a glimpse of you.


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