Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Aja aja Fighting

I realised today that i have two smartass friends in the whole wide world. Don't worry, it's a compliment you know. So video conference again? We can practise our acting skills. HAHA. =x


Earlier on, i was channel surfing when i suddenly stop and said,"Whoa, that's damn fake". Showing on the tv screen were two skimpily-clad women wrestling each other in the ring. And damn, their boobs looked really fake lah. Similar to Pamela Anderson's, no kidding. I thought it was only two of them. But i was proven wrong when a third woman barged into the ring, and yes, with similar fake-looking boobs. I have no idea whether it's really fake or not lah but it really did look fake.

You must be wondering why the heck do i even bother. Cause last time, i used to watch wrestling. It's a shock, i know. Blame it on my naiveté, and partly the influence of my dear brother. Haha. Anyway my point is, last time the women wrestlers were nothing like the present ones. Looks-wise, that is. But the slut factor is still there. Haha. I guess last time silicon wasn't so in eh? Haha. To be fair, it's not just these women wrestlers. There are other women out there as well if you happen to realise.

Not only the boobs, but also face, butts and whatnots. Looks like more and more women are willing to go under the knife just because of ones vanity. I can understand the use of beauty products, but not to the extend of having unnecessary operations to correct yourself. I think, think that's abit wrong. Forget men, even i myself couldn't understand why. I think most of them forget that it's only a facade. Agree?

But then again, why do i even bother with such matters? Must be that Korean movie, 200 pounds beauty. It somewhat leaves an impressions eh? Haha.


Okay okay. Back to real matters. And so, i'm left with less than two weeks before Summer Test commence. I'll be a liar if i say i'm not worried. I have a hell lot to cover in a short period of time. But nevermind, i must persevere!

Aja aja Fighting!

Hahha. Okay too much influence Korean style. I'll end it here. Time to burn the midnight oil yet again. =)


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