Lipstick Madness!
No details for today. Just snapshots will do ok.
By the way, today's theme..
Courtesy of my two lil cousins, my dear sista, and of course the beloved me. =)
Just look through the pics.
I'll 'splain later aite.

What cha thinkin now?
A bunch of lunatics using lipsticks to draw idles on their faces?
Not bunch of lunatics. Put it in a nicer way ok.
A bunch of happy, fun-filling people having a crazy time.
Ahh.. That's better.
Ok. Lemme 'splain now.
As you can see all those convicted of the crime above(hehe), were just having fun. We were playing Old Maid, where the loser in the end will have to face a forfeit. And the forfeit is, you guessed it, drawing idles on the faces!
Each of us gets a turn to draw on the loser's face. Quite fun la. But make sure that the lipstick is easily wipe off. If not, you'll really look like a CLOWN!! Ahaks.
We started playing this since we were all too bored after playing UNO and Cluedo for countless times. So ya, we decided on that. Haha.
It's actually kind of a family tradition you see. i've played this game before with my aunts and uncles in a big group. Totally Recommanded if you are having those family bonding time. Great i tell ya!
I laughed my heads off till my throat's painful.
Haha. Ok, that's all for now. Too much excitement for the day. =)
Ps: Embarrasing pics sis? Heh. I don't mind. Keke.
By the way, today's theme..
Courtesy of my two lil cousins, my dear sista, and of course the beloved me. =)
Just look through the pics.
I'll 'splain later aite.

What cha thinkin now?
A bunch of lunatics using lipsticks to draw idles on their faces?
Not bunch of lunatics. Put it in a nicer way ok.
A bunch of happy, fun-filling people having a crazy time.
Ahh.. That's better.
Ok. Lemme 'splain now.
As you can see all those convicted of the crime above(hehe), were just having fun. We were playing Old Maid, where the loser in the end will have to face a forfeit. And the forfeit is, you guessed it, drawing idles on the faces!
Each of us gets a turn to draw on the loser's face. Quite fun la. But make sure that the lipstick is easily wipe off. If not, you'll really look like a CLOWN!! Ahaks.
We started playing this since we were all too bored after playing UNO and Cluedo for countless times. So ya, we decided on that. Haha.
It's actually kind of a family tradition you see. i've played this game before with my aunts and uncles in a big group. Totally Recommanded if you are having those family bonding time. Great i tell ya!
I laughed my heads off till my throat's painful.
Haha. Ok, that's all for now. Too much excitement for the day. =)
Ps: Embarrasing pics sis? Heh. I don't mind. Keke.
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