Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Hello there. Sorry for not updating for a long, long time. As you know i'm right in the middle of my EOYs exams and has been busy er.. studying.. ya STUDYING.. ever since. So, here i am now! I'm currently taking a break while waiting to break fast, then continue reading my notes.

I had already sat my english, malay, physics, emaths paper one and amaths papers. Oh boy, the Amaths paper today was the first ever paper i took that was soo anticipating, in the history of maths paper, till my hands were trembling while scribbling down the answers. Anxiety but not panicky! Thank god for that! Well, referring back to the Amaths paper, i never knew that i could love the Linear Law chapter soo much! As you can see, when doing revisions or homeworks on linear law, i always can't get started on that or get the right answers. And so, today, WALA! All the points plotted were exactly on the line!! Well, except for one of them but it was meant to be that way! And so, finally SUCCESS!!

You all must think i'm nuts getting over-excited over this.. Haha. So anyway, tomorrow's paper would be Emaths paper 2 and Chemistry, which i definitely really need to lookout for that one. It's tough man! The Chemistry paper i mean. Need to know all the reactions. Reaction with acid lah.. reaction with bases lah.. And not to forget, the chemical equations!! It's actually quite fun solving the equation and when i mean fun, i'm referring to the part where i got the answers right. The part where i got wrong answers, it's NO FUN AT ALL..

Another thing i wanna update here. Will try my best to upload another song here. The skin that i had just changed, well after all my papers done, will try finding a new skin. One that is simple enough. Or i could create one? How bout that? Ok then, gotta chow. Preparing the food to break fast.. Heeeeee...



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