Monday, August 01, 2005

It wasn't THAT bad..

I had a nice oral examination with our beloved maths teacher. I talk to him like he was my buddy. Wasn't feeling THAT nervous. I mean how could i be nervous when he has been coming to our class, teaching A math, while us all looking at his face 24/7? Funny then? You bet. I was lucky to get him as my invigilator. As fierce or as arrogant as he is, at least he is one of the lenien-est teacher. Thank god i didn't get Mrs Yee or Mrs Kalai.

But you know, if i got Mrs Yee, it would be quite a gd thing then. I would resume the conversation we had few months back on whether Keanu Reeves was cute! I told her he was cute, but she insists that he was not!! Hah. Hilarious isn't it? Arguing with a teacher whether a certain celebrity was or wasn't cute.

Last saturday was our Mass Signing rehearsal at Marina South. It was quite an adventure but it turned out boring while waiting for our que to sign the pledge. Heed my advice to those people who went for the rehearsal, and wanted to go pee really, really, badly...
Go to those near the shops. If you can't find one, hold it. Seriously. I'm warning you...
I was damn unlucky to have to use that toilet. I flung open one of the cubicle door. Horror!! Bits of feaces everywhere. And the smell... bluuuuueeeeerrrrrggggghhhhh!! Makes you wanna puke instantly! So then, i quickly check out another one, hoping that the next one won't be LIKE the previous one. Thankfully it wasn't like the previous one. This time round it has cigarrette smell all over. I wonder who the hell smoked in there. So bloody inconsiderate! So, guess i hadn't much choice and had to use it anyway...

This is one of the disgusting experience ever!! Next tuesday if i really, really, badly need to go to the loo, i'll go to the one near the shops..

Good god. Haven't complete my geography assignment yet. Interesting ain't it. No maths homework today. Way to go. Even though i told Mr Lee to give us more homework.. =)
Whhhhaaaaattttt a ggrrreeeaaaatttt day!



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