Friday, August 19, 2005

Is wanting to be free too much to ask??

The thought of CA2 papers are done, makes me feel free.
The thought of not studying thoroughly, makes me feel like im flying free.
But thoughts, are only thoughts. It's reality that's spoils everything.

God. I really do not want to do the Cluster Humanities thing. I mean ok face the facts, im not good in my humans. But this stupid thing is using more of a logistic and imaginative thinking!! Crap lah. Why can't she just choose Hema or Ruben instead of me. It's ruining my weekend and my mood.

I'm already facing a major problem in having to do my Malay project that we've been ignoring and that humans thing bout thais. And i still have to worry on what grades i'm gonna get for my CAs. And ya, worse, i'm trying to save money to go shopping but it just doesn't happen!!
Oh god..
Life is such a dragggg...
And i'm adding to it just by complaining...

Ok. nvm as. There's plenty of fun things to do next week. Like the class outing to buy the prezzies for our dear teachers. Will look forward to that.



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