Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Inspiring to be..?

'What do i wanna be when i grow up?'
That is the questions that one always ask when they were still a child.

'Teacher? Policewoman? Actress? Singer? Ballerina?'
I always asked myself. But now, the question is..
'Which path would i choose? What would i want my career to be? Go JC or Poly?'

It all looks so easy to make these choices when i was a little girl. Now, i have absolutely no idea what i wanna do, take, and choose. Thanks to Mr Lee's 'inspirational talk', now i wonder.

What is your passion? What is your goal? Aim what you want to do in your future.

My mom wants me to be -get this- an anchorwoman. The person who reads news on tv. Haha. Ook. One of the choices on my list. Well, let's see. What else shall be my choice? Journalists? Sounds interesting enough. But i totally sucked in my english languege. Designer? Well, could be cause im quite creative. But then again, still not sure.

So after much thoughts, i've finally made up my mind. I wanna be a very successful person, get high pay(bring on the money!), enjoy my job and live happily ever after. My aim, my goal, is firstly to get gd grades for my Os, get into a gd JC, get gd subject combination, get gd grades for my As, and finally get in Uni and graduate!! My aim, my goal. Hopefully i have the confidence, the strength to overcome all these obstacles and difficulties. Wish me luck.

Now, i'm quite happy to say this..
i have a DREAM!



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