Sunday, March 13, 2005


Had a nice celebratiOn for my birthday. My birthday which was actuaLLy on the 11 March, celebrated the next day with the cake. On friday, had ptc. Can you believe it? I had to go for a stupid ptc on my birthday!? Anyways, it wasn't that bad actually. Mr Lee talked to my mom about my results and all. He was like telling my mom that i could score A1s for both maths if i work harder. And all the stuffs teachers are suppose to say. In the first place, Miss Kum is the one whose suppose to talk to my mom not Mr Lee. Anyways, it was pretty funny. As my mom couldn't speak english fluently, she answered the wrong answers to Mr Lee's questions. It went like this..
Mr Lee-"So looks like you have to work harder to beat ur siblings marks huh?"(referring to me)
My mom's reply, "No, her brother took POA for his O's."
I was controlling my laughter cause i had to explain my mom what he was telling us in the first place. I could see his face trying to laugh. Really damn funny!

Following that night, my family and i went to eat at Al-Azhar in Bukit Timah. The food was"Ugh!!". But my bro's and my mom's food tasted nicer than my sis, me, and my dad. So, the next day, my sis brought us to eat at swensens instead. Now, this is what i call fOOd! haha.. My sis had to spend about 1oo bucks. Thanks sis! Love ya! Anyways, my present that is the 'mp3' that i wanted will be delayed till 18 March cause there's a promotion at West Mall if im not wrong. Okay gtg let my lil cuzzins play the ps2. Imagine, 5 year olds and 4 year olds kids playing the ps2 and the thing is, they know hOw to play it!! Now, imagine...

Here's the pic of moi cake!! UmmMmm... yUmMmMmiEeEeiii!!! :D
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